Hey Lara,
15 weeks since we brought you into the world. Who would of thought you’d change so much in such a small space of time. Your Daddy and I were looking at photos were taken of you since you were born and you’ve changed so much!
You’re smiling and laughing loads now. We’re beginning to learn your little ways, like why you’re crying (despite others thinking they know better), usually your grandparents (your Daddy’s parents).
Nanna Helen misses you so much. She hates being so far away from you. From us.
You had your second lot of immunisations on Thursday, you were so badass, you let out a one cry when the needle went in and that was it! I had an appointment of my own just before yours, and I was diagnosed with postnatal depression. It’s not your fault, it’s just something some Mummys suffer with after having a baby, and dealing with other stresses, for me it was moving house, moving jobs, your Daddy moving jobs, falling pregnant, having you, planning a wedding and getting married, getting us all to Cornwall safely. It’s all been a bit crazy and I think I hit my limit of things and feels. I started taking tablets this morning, and we shall see if they make a difference. But enough about that, onto more positive things.
It was my birthday on Wednesday, and to celebrate your Daddy managed to get some time off work so we could spend some time together as a family…or Team Bubble as we like to call ourselves, even before you were born.
Your Daddy is getting closer to fixing Mummy’s car and getting it ready for it’s mot. I really miss driving Kiko, and being able to get about on my own.
Here are some photos we’ve took of you this week…
Mummy x