A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Journey To You

One Week To Go…

…until my first midwife appointment. Next Wednesday we hope to get some confirmation you actually exist, because in all honesty, I’m still not convinced. I’m sorry. 

Gross fact alert! I haven’t had a period since that 3-day bleed back in October. I’ve been late before, but never missed one. Signs are pointing to yes, along with 4 positive pregnancy tests, and all the other symptoms. 

It’s been a bit sucky not being able to drink during the build up the Christmas. I’ve been telling everyone I’ve got a chest infection and on antibiotics. I don’t like lying, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, but when we tell everyone the truth, they will understand why we did it. 

I am really hoping we get some confirmation next week. Your Dad will be with me – fingers crossed they are able to do a scan as well. We can’t wait to see you on that little screen.