A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Journey To You, Our Little Adventure

A&E Drama 

Hello little one, 

In your first week of being in the big scary world you have had quite a run of drama, on Sunday we noticed your left eye was stuck shut and so we bathed it and made you open your eye, but after you had slept it had come back so mummy made an appointment with out of hours doctor so we could get you some drops to clear up the infection, we only thought we would be out of the house for 30 mins didn’t pack a lot of supply’s but after an hour wait and way past your feed time we were seen by the doc who said your blood oxygen levels were low and we were rush round to a&e where me and your mummy were in for a 8.5 hour wait to find out you were completely fit and healthy. And that the original doctor used the wrong bit of equipment on you.  We eventually managed to get you home at 1:30am 

We’re we’re all up early later that Monday morning as we had to take you back to the hospital so you could have your tongue tie sorted, bit of blood and crying as you were hungry but no real dramas, we tried to Breast feed you on your next feed but you still didn’t latch on. So mummy’s continuing to express so you still get everything you need to grow big and strong. 

It’s now Tuesday morning and your currently sleeping after your last feed and mummy is going to ring to get someone to come and help you both with breast feeding, we’re both hopping it will all go well 
Lots of love 

Papa bear