Hey Lara Bug,
Wanted to give you an insight of what a standard day is like after your Daddy leaves for work. Your general state of being mostly breaks down to these percentages:
40% Crying / 40% Feeding / 20% Sleeping
Where as I spent my time doing one of the following:
- Feeding you
- Changing your nappy and clothes
- Soothing you between feeds
- Making you a bottle
- Cleaning bottles ready for next feed
- Expressing milk for your next feed
- Emptying and reloading the dishwasher
- Emptying and reloading the washing machine
- Dusting
- Feeding / Stroking / Grooming the cat
- Crying on the back step because I can’t get you to stop crying
- Squeezing in breakfast or lunch for myself
- Squeezing in getting dressed myself
- Taking delivery of the food shopping whilst rushing the food back into the cupboards before you start crying again
- Planning a wedding
I love you loads, but you make the day a challenge. You have no real feeding pattern as we just feed you when you ask for it, which is most of the time when you are awake. They call it responsive feeding.
I look forward to your Daddy getting home, as I miss his hugs, kisses and company, but he also takes over whilst I can get a bath or shower. I don’t like leaving you alone where I can’t get to you quickly and soothe you when your crying.
Although is sounds cruel, when I know is you’ve been fed, nappy changed, cuddled and burped, I leave you to cry a little bit as sometimes you cry because you’re tired, and you then cry yourself to sleep. I hate doing it, but it’s best for you. Mummy still loves you.
Lots of love,
Mummy x