A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Journey To You

The Family Announcements

We decided to choose Christmas Day and Boxing Day to tell the family about you. 

We told your Nanny Helen after we opened presents, not long after we went to London to pick her up and bring her to our place. Your Nanny Helen lives in London, in the same house your Mummy was brought up in. 

When we arrived at your Daddy’s cousin Becky’s house, we asked your Nanny Flo and Grandad Ernie if they could come outside as we wanted them to know before everyone else. Then, once we were settled inside and tucking into our Boxing Day lunch, your Daddy told the rest of the family. All 11 of them. The dinner table is very busy on Boxing Day, but we are sure we can squeeze in another spot for you. By the way, your cousin Jayden thinks your should be a boy. 

Everyone is very excited to know you are coming. Your Daddy and I are very much looking forward to your first scan tomorrow morning! Exactly this time tomorrow in fact. We can’t wait to see you for the first time, we are so lucky that we have heard your little heartbeat already!