A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Journey To You

Back To Work

Hey Lara Bug,

Tomorrow is my first day back at work since I left mid June for maternity leave. Hard to grasp that I’ve been off work for 2 months.

What a mad 8 weeks it’s been, being blessed with you and getting married to your Daddy. It’s been an amazing and emotional time.

I am really nervous about going back, but soothed by the knowledge that your Daddy is looking after you tomorrow. Tuesday is your first day with your childminder Lyndsey, who promises faithfully to look after you while your Daddy and I are at work. Making sure you’re fed, happy and developing well.

If I could if stayed of maternity longer to be with you I would have done. The guilt of leaving you with a stranger a whilst you are still a young is tearing me apart. We even toyed with the idea of your Daddy giving up work to look after you. But we couldn’t afford it. Keeping you fed, clothed and a roof over your head was more important.

We love you so much, and hope we don’t miss too many of your firsts whilst we are apart from you.

Mummy x