A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Little Adventure


Hey Lara Bug,

I’ve has been struggling this week. Normally after you go back to sleep I can go back to sleep to. But as I’m up at 6:30am each weekday morning for work, I can’t. I’m only getting 4 – 5 hours sleep a night and then doing a full day at work. Mummy and Daddy are very tired.

I broke down and started crying whilst I expressing milk for your breakfast. I was struggling to get milk and just felt useless. After I had finished, your Daddy told me to go back to sleep. When my alarm work up, I found your Daddy had been busy, busy writing notes and hiding them around the house for me to find. I’ve brought a couple of them to work with me to keep my going during the day.

Your Daddy is an amazing person. I am proud to call him my husband. He’s patient, kind, loving, understanding, gorgeous and a great Daddy to you. He just wants the best for us both.

We both love you very much, but need you to be patient with us whilst we figure out why you’re crying and try and make you happy.

Mummy x