A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Journey To You

The Pregnancy Tests

I was getting all sorts of weird symptoms and had no explanation for them, so to rule it out we brought a pregnancy test from the chemist.

I popped upstairs, did what you need to do, waited 3 minutes and there they were…two lil blue lines. A fluke your Dad and I thought, so I guzzled about a litre of water and had another go, same again, 2 lil lines.

What you don’t realise is that about 8 years ago, I had an infection that caused one of my ovaries to enlarge, causing damage to both of my tubes. For health reasons I had one removed, and the other remained, declared as too damaged to be useful. I was told I would never conceive naturally. Yet here we are with now 4 positive pregnancy tests.

We had to be sure, so we went a bought another pack, a different make this time with conception indicator. Positive again, twice, 3+ weeks. Twice. I couldn’t actually believe it. After you’re told you can’t, it’s all you believe. Time to book an appointment to see the Doctor.