A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Little Adventure

8 months old

Your officially 8 months old and growing and developing fast, you have out grow your play mate that you love so much so me and mummy brought you a large mat that you can roll and wriggle on, bit you don’t like staying on it for very long you have managed to roll into the dining room and even attempted the hallway.

We have started weening you and let’s say its been fun and interesting time for us all, you didn’t like the pure that I made so we have found a ready made dinner for you called Ella kitchen we have found out you love peas, carrots, and sweet potato you love getting messy.

You have also become very vocal babbling away, blowing rasberrys and even singing in your own special way.

Don’t ever change little bug we love you so much you never fail to make us smile and laugh on a daily basis

Love papa bear