Hello little bug
As I write this you currently star fishing in you cot and the monitor says it 27deg it’s very hot and muggy, me and mummy bug have decided to keep you out of your sleeping bag and let you sleep free roam.
As the title suggests you are nearly 10 months old and still growing fast, you have now worked out how to sit up on your own and how to get up on your hands and knees, I don’t think it’s going to be long before your crawling.
You have developed quite a character and made us smile every day with your random babalings. And you infectious laugh. Mummy bug has had to buy you all new clothes as your growing out of your old ones.
We are also very into your weening program and you have quite a appetite for all the food we put in front of you. The only thing so far we have found you do not like is carrots. But you will eat and share with everything else, you bumbo, mummy, me, the floor, but you enjoy you dinner times and that’s what’s important
Don’t ever change little bug
Love you more and more