Your growing baby
Your baby is about 27cms (head to heel) and weighs around 360g
Those little butterfly feelings that you weren’t quite convinced were baby acrobatics now leave you in no doubt as they develop into kicks and thumps! Your baby may now have a definite pattern of activity, which you are becoming familiar with.
Facial features are becoming more recognisable as eyebrows and eyelashes are growing. If your baby is a girl her vagina will also be forming.
Each day several ounces of amniotic fluid are being gulped into your baby’s mouth and the newly developed taste buds will be put to work. This fluid will provide hydration and nutrition and the swallowing action is great practice for life after birth.
It has become apparent in recent studies that babies show a liking for tastes they have experienced through the amniotic fluid while still in their mother’s womb.
Pregnancy week 21 – What’s happening to you
Although you are still feeling good and not too uncomfortable, at 21 weeks pregnant some changes may occur.
Varicose veins could begin to develop if your family are prone to them so exercise regularly and elevate your legs and feet as often as possible. Unfortunately, these tend to get worse with each pregnancy and as you age. High progesterone levels in your body cause the vein wall to relax and bulge out.
Spider-veins are something else that you may notice, especially around your ankles and sometimes on the face. These are fine, thin red vessels near the skin’s surface that resemble fine tree branches. Don’t worry, they are not painful and will probably disappear soon after the birth.
Mild acne could be another minor problem. Increased production of oil is a side effect of pregnancy.
Need to know
Things for you to consider during week 21 of your pregnancy
Be vigilant with your skincare routine and use oil-free make-up and avoid acne medication unless you have spoken to your GP first.
Ask your midwife for the Mat B1 form at your next appointment.