A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Little Adventure

Lara, go the f**k to sleep!

Girl! You driving us mad! All we want you to do is sleep, but you won’t.

You won’t lay still…you won’t stop jabbering…you give a naughty smile that just makes me so angry! I have to walk away. I threaten you with taking teddies etc…nothing…you think it’s all a game.

We are both exhausted after being up several times in the night with you. After being up early with you. After sending you off to childcare and then doing a full day’s work. After spending the evening entertaining you. After trying our hardest to get you to sleep. After ALL that…and you still won’t sleep.

We are dead on our feet and you choose then moment we both just want to relax together on the sofa and leisurely chat about our day…but we can’t, because we can hear you over the monitor NOT SLEEPING!

We NEED that time Lara. Your Dad and I don’t get much time alone. We don’t begrudge spending time with you as a family. But sometimes we just need to be grown ups. We have to head to be early because you are up early and we need to make sure we get enough sleep to chase after you again tomorrow.

Lara. Please. Go the f**k to sleep!