Happy New Year Wriggly Bear 😊 Well it’s 12 o clock in the afternoon on the 01/01/17 and me and Mummy are still in bed. Last night we had a small party as we do ever new year, and had some family around Nanny Flo and Grandad Ernie, who are your Daddy’s Mum and Dad, and dreaded in laws to your Mummy, Auntie Debbie and Uncle Jason, who are Daddy’s sister and brother in law and their little boy Jayden who will be your cousin. Nanny Flo had a little to much to drink and shot mummy in the face with a Nerf gun, but apart from that everyone had a great time.
Laying in bed cuddling with mummy I can’t help feeling very emotional about all the good things that will happen this year. I feel 2017 is going to be busy and very fun packed and not to mention all the fun we are going to have when you arrive.