A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Little Adventure

Lara Does Camping

Hey Lil Bug, 

You had your first camping trip this weekend. Do you love camping? Hmm… not sure if it’s for you just yet. 

When we arrived and unpacked, I don’t think you had quite realised this is where we were staying the night. We had to give you a timeout in the car until you stopped screaming. You were not happy. You had fun playing in the playground on-site and visiting the animals. We even took you to the beach and you were still in full brat mode. We were exhausted. 

Luckily, I had the foresight to book at a place only just over an hour from home, so if stuff got really bad, we had the option to go home. Luckily you finally gave in around 9pm. We did too…we were done. It was very noisy with the wind around the tent and the wind turbine whining all night. You slept ok u til around 3am when you threw up. It was a pretty turbulent night. 

I had about 2 – 3 hours sleep, your Daddy had a bit more but not much. He was full of cold and not feeling well at all, but insisted we take the trip. I think all of us were ready to go home. But got some good photos and made some memories. 

Perhaps next time will be better. In the meantime, we still await the results of your Daddy’s covid test. 

Love you loads,

Mama x