Hey Lara,
We are having such fun with you. We bought you a beanbag for Christmas, I brought it home from work, Daddy was supposed to hide it, although we popped it in the front room and you fell in love with it, so we had to give it to you early.
You are walking everywhere now. Brushing your own teeth, feeding yourself with your spoon. You actually get rather defensive if we try and take it off you. Ha ha.
You babble full sentences, however I’m afraid we are still not quite sure what you are saying. However, you have nailed “Dada”, “Mama”, “Yep”, “No”, “Pick up”, “Who’s that?” and “GO!”.
Unfortunately you have a chest infection at the moment, so we are giving you antibiotics and a brown inhaler. So much so young! You sound awful!
You make us both laugh every day. You’re amazing! The things you say, the faces you pull and the things you do. Ha ha! You are such an amazing little girl.
Much love,
Mama Bug x