Hey Lara,
Last week, your Papa Bug and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary. When we got married you were our tiny bridesmaid and only 6 weeks old!
Last Saturday we had a party at AJ’s Diner with our friends family to celebrate. We were supposed to have it the weekend we got back from Cornwall after our wedding, but we found out we were pregnant with you, and I wouldn’t be getting any maternity pay from work, we used the money we had saved to pay for bills whilst I was off.

Twirl me!
It was worth the wait. I was very nervous about it and I am not keen on being centre of attention, but once everyone had arrived and I had had a few drinks and felt a little more comfortable.
Papa Bug and I did lots of dancing and jiving. We even arranged to have jive lessons for everyone. They all enjoyed it .

Our First Dance
We did the thing we set out to do, and that was to make memories with you, and our friends & family.
You were scooting around the dancefloor in your car, arms in the air and a big smile on your face.
Everyone wanted Lara cuddles. Amazed at how chilled, happy and smiley you were all night long, and way past your bedtime.
Here’s to many more years.
Mama Bug x