A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Journey To You, Our Little Adventure

Lara Loves Snuggles

Hey Lara Bug,

You’re almost a month old and we feel like we know you so well now. Your Daddy and I are in a routine with you with your feeding. You wake us up, I change your nappy while your Daddy gets your milk and my breast pump sorted. Daddy feeds you while I express milk for you. Daddy puts the bottles and the pump back in the sanitiser and I cuddle you and get the last of your burps out of you, and sooth so you go back to sleep again.

We love you so much, and can’t imagine our lives without you in it.

I have been enjoying my maternity leave looking after you. There are days where I have felt I am not doing it right or felt useless. But after a chat with your Daddy, I always feel much better.

Quite often you’ll cry just because you want a cuddle, and I am more than happy to oblige.

You and I will sit in front of Homes Under The Hammer quite happily snuggling. But then Mummy will need a drink or the loo and have to put you back in your Moses basket. You keep me warm and you love to snuggle up under my chin.

Keep on being cute my little bug.

Lots of love,

Mummy x