Hey Lara,
Today it’s my first Mother’s Day! So many women take falling pregnant for grated, and often forget that some of us may not get the chance, for a long time I was one of those unlucky few. Today, I am reminded that nature and the human body are amazing things, and your Papa Bug and I get to celebrate that.
At the moment it’s still quite early, and I am lying in bed whilst you are asleep in your cot and your Papa is asleep breathing gently next to me.
I am using this time to reflect on the last 8 months, and how I can be a better Mama to you. In three short months we will be celebrating your first birthday, and I want to be sure that I gave those first 12 months my all, making you a well-rounded and happy little Bug.
I love you Lara, with all my heart, and I will strive to be whatever you need and want, for as long as you need me.
Much love,
Mama Bug