We got some scary news yesterday evening from the hospital. My blood test results came back as high risk for Downs Sydrome. I’m not going to lie, when I got the news, I broke down in floods of tears and sobbed until your Dad left work early and came home to comfort me. I called him the moment I got the news. He left work straight away to be by my side and comfort me.
This morning, your Dad and I went to the Maternity Day Unit at the hospital to talk to the specialist about our options. We have a 1 in 115 chance that you will have Downs. So, staying as positive as we can, you have a 99.5% chance you will be perfectly normal.
Tomorrow, your Dad and I will head back to the hospital in the same unit to have an Amniocentesis Test. It involves injecting a fine needle through my tummy into your amniotic fluid around you, and take a sample of around 10mm so it can be sent away for testing. This test will give us a definite answer.
I hope you’re ok, our Little Wriggly Bear.