A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Journey To You

Into Week 20 – Banana

Your baby is about the size of a banana 16.5 cm (head to bottom) 26cm (head to heel) and weighs around 300g…

Your growing baby

Your baby is becoming more and more active. You may notice this more during the evening and you may actually be able to see some of its movements when you are relaxed.

Vernix is still being produced and secreted on the skin. Your baby is now busy producing meconium, the tarry black substance which will become the first bowel movement after birth. Meconium is a harmless mixture of amniotic fluid, digestive secretions and dead skin cells, which accumulates in the baby’s bowels and is excreted in the first nappy.

Your baby is swallowing a lot now, which is good for the digestive system. Permanent second teeth are forming behind the milk teeth.

The genitals are now fully formed. If your baby is a boy, his testicles have developed but they are still in the abdomen waiting for the scrotum to finish growing.

What’s happening to you

Now that you are halfway through your pregnancy the top of your uterus is beginning to push up against your lungs and to press your abdomen outwards. Your navel may pop out and stay that way until after the birth.

It is important to make sure that you are having sufficient iron, as this is crucial for the production of haemoglobin in red blood cells. During pregnancy your blood volume increases so extra iron is also needed to support your baby and the placenta.

Your hair is likely to be thicker and glossier and it will grow faster than usual. But for some mums-to-be, pregnancy hormones can make their hair greasier than usual.

Need to know

Things for you to consider during week 20 of your pregnancy:

  • Increase your iron intake by eating more red meat, prunes, green leafy vegetables and soya-based products.
  • Now is the time that you might think about childbirth classes for you and your partner. Your midwife or local maternity unit will be happy to help you with any information about the right kind of classes for you.
  • If you suffer from greasy hair wash it frequently using a mild shampoo.
  • Finding clothes that fit over your bump comfortably may be difficult now so, if you haven’t already bought some maternity wear, you may want to invest in a few basic items.